Simple Direct Funerals

Do not let the cost of saying goodbye add to your grief.

Simple Direct Funerals

Concerned about Funeral Costs?

Looking for Simple Arrangements?

Prefer a Personal Style?

We’re here to help with…

Simple and Low-Cost
Cremations and Burials
in Nelson and Tasman
– with Dignity & Respect

Reduce your stress and apprehension.

Planning a funeral can be an opportunity for families to come together and celebrate a life well-lived.

Making Funerals a Little Easier

I started Simple Direct Funerals to provide an alternative for families who wanted a simple-to-arrange funeral with minimal stress.  The difference from other funeral homes is our low-key, efficient service that makes planning a funeral less daunting, complicated and expensive.

My focus is on providing:

  • well run, low-cost funerals
  • no pressure to spend more
  • a simple process for families
  • respectful dignified farewells
  • minimal stress for families

With a lifetime dedicated to community service, you can expect professional, caring and honest service.

SDF Owen Haring

… providing affordability without compromising service.

Five Star Google Reviews

Some comments from families
I had the privilege to serve.

What Makes Us Different From Other Funeral Homes?

Personal Relaxed Approach

Helping people feel at ease during a stressful and difficult time is perhaps our greatest asset.

Unlike most funeral homes, we are more informal and casual in our manner while still being completely professional.

Families find our approach less intimidating yet caring and supportive. Our aim is to make dealing with death and funerals more natural, rather than a daunting, unfamiliar event.

Have Only Low Prices

A distinction we have is that our prices are capped.  There is no way to keep increasing the costs to families.  So there is absolutely no worry with costs escalating.

Sometimes Funeral Homes may advertise low-cost funerals; they may even set up websites promoting this.  However, the main reason for this is to get people in the door.

There are many techniques Funeral Homes use to encourage people to spend more.

Easiest Arrangements

Our arrangements are among the easiest for families to manage in New Zealand.

Often, families don’t even know where to start when organizing a funeral. Funeral homes typically have many questions and forms to be filled out.

This can be a technique that allows funeral homes to add extra services, as there is a lot going on and saying yes is just easier.

Although our arrangements are much simpler, the cremation or burial remains dignified and respectful. This process helps families focus on what is truly important during that time.

Dignity Without the Expense

Funerals can be extremely expensive. Spending as much money as you can afford—or even more—is often seen as a way to show how much you loved the person.

Even the simplest cremation can be more costly than you might expect, as funeral homes will charge as much as they can.

We strive to ensure that even the simplest funeral is still meaningful for the family. Often, these funerals can be more significant to families, and it doesn’t mean they can’t have something more formal at a later date.

Competent & Caring

Our background is not in the funeral industry. Instead, it has been primarily focused on community engagement and providing personal support to individuals and families. Consequently, our natural inclination is to prioritize the needs and well-being of the family during these difficult times. We believe that this experience allows us to offer a more compassionate and understanding approach to families arranging funeral services.

We limit our actions with the deceased to maintain a respectful and dignified process. For instance, we do not embalm the person, but we are able to redress the person to ensure they are presented in a manner that honors their memory.

We take great care to ensure that our handling of the deceased, from the moment we first meet them until the time of cremation or burial, is conducted with the utmost respect and sensitivity.

Our goal is to provide a service that is both respectful to the deceased and supportive to the grieving family, ensuring that every step is taken with care and consideration.

5 Star Reviews

From the very beginning, the idea of creating SDF has been driven by how families appreciate and need our particular service. This is why we focus so much on the people, rather than getting lost in the complexity and confusion often associated with funerals.

Although we are by no means perfect, we strive to develop and improve our services. We take into account anything the family may suggest that we should address. Our reputation is not just about low-cost funerals; it is also about the service we provide.

I encourage all our families to give feedback and write a review. I’m proud that our Google Reviews are far and away #1 in Nelson Tasman.

Free Booklet Download
File and Forget booklet
PDF Version
File and Forget booklet
Word Version

A helpful print-at-home booklet that you can fill out and then “forget” until it’s needed.

Briefly outlines the funeral process, and gives you all the relevant information needed for a funeral and Death Certificate.

Download useful funeral information. This is a link if you would like your to record and keep your own records.

trees that count
Every funeral allows us to donate a native tree, leaving a lasting legacy.
SDF Shop
SDF Shop
Shopping vs Shutting Shop
Cheap Funerals
How to Save on Funeral Costs
15 Things – updated – Funeral Home Secrets
Overcoming the Fear of Funerals
What do you do series
Prepaying Funerals
Arranging a Funeral with Less Stress
How much should a funeral cost?
It’s a dog’s life
Facing Uncertainty
The Cost of Dying
How to say goodbye
Coping with Loss
5 Year Anniversary
Euthanasia at Funeral Homes?
When Less is More
TV News
The Good Life
2024 Review
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3 Things that can Save Thousands in Funeral Costs
1980s life
The Rite Funeral For You…
Funeral Homes Advertising Low Cost Funerals
Low-cost and Respectful
Funeral Wishes
Choosing a funeral home
Why SDF?
Burial or Cremation?
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The year that was 2022
A Different Kind of Christmas
Your Funeral Your Way
SDF – Being affordable doesn’t mean being nasty
The Cremation Process
20 Things Funeral Homes Don’t Want You to Know
The Cost of Dying
Spirituality and Death
10 Things you don’t need to do
Low-Cost Funerals
Googling the most asked questions on funerals
The case for the coffin
Starting a Small Business
Budget Blowouts
How Hard is a DIY Funeral?
The Political Circus
Personal reflections
What do you do series #3
Caring for the Deceased
In the beginning…
Service Regardless of Price
What do you need to do when someone dies?
5 things you don’t need to worry about…
What is a Dignified Farewell?
What Makes Us Different #2 Low Prices
DIY Funerals
Why does Click-Bait work?
The heartbreak of dying young
Big Business
Free Funerals
The five stages of Grief
The Coroner
When my Facebook got hacked
What do you do series #4
What Makes Us Different #4 Simple Dignity
Seven things that make us unique
Affordable funerals doesn’t mean second rate
What Makes Us Different #5 Reviews
Cost of Living!! – What about the cost of Dying?
Planning a Funeral
Fearing Death
Direct Cremation – Yes/No?
Deciding Which Funeral Home to Use
More than just low-costs
What do you do series #5 Family Relationships
How Involved should you get with a funeral?
When you phone a Funeral Home
Why I stopped watching the news
I was 20 when my dad died
What happens to a body after it dies?
What Makes Us Different #3 Easy Arrangements
Save hundreds if not thousands of dollars
After someone has died
Behind the scenes of SDF
Talking about Mortality
Cowboy Operators
What do you do series #2
Our Differences – #1 Relaxed Style
15 Things Funeral Homes don’t want you to know
DIY Funeral
Man Flu
Talking Funerals
Personalise Memories