Simple Direct Funerals

Seven things that make us unique

Seven things that make SDF different from other funeral homes:

  1. Our style.  The thing families experience the most is our relaxed style.  It doesn’t mean we are slack; rather, we create an atmosphere where people feel comfortable. It suits our style, and we want families to feel at ease and can have the funeral they want.
  2. Our process. We have the easiest process in New Zealand. There is minimal paperwork for families to deal with. They are often surprised by how easy it is to get everything done. There is little chance of being overwhelmed or confused with SDF.
  3. Our facilities. I like to think of SDF as homely (modest) or boutique. It works well for what we do. People that visit us feel more at home than in a business place. Nothing is imposing, and although we mostly go to the families, when people do visit we hope they feel at home within a few minutes of arriving.
  4. Our in-house products. We are the only funeral home in Nelson that makes all our coffins, although the coffins are all of the same style, they are better and much cleaner to burn than MDF or cardboard. We also make or source our urns locally. Almost every dollar we spend is local. This gives us immense pride.
  5. Our focus. Our focus hasn’t changed since we started this business. It is always to provide our families with only low set prices and simple arrangements. We don’t complicate things that do not need to be complicated, and families are often surprised – and relieved – by how easy everything went.
  6. No Gimmicks. Since the funeral industry took off, we have seen all kinds of gimmicks. The big shiny hearse, beautiful coffin, premises, service sheets, suits, and even the jargon they use. All these things are designed to create an impression of “appropriate expense.”  We want to be more down to earth and work in the background.
  7. Our honesty. We don’t pretend to be something we’re not.  We don’t pretend to offer the type of service other funeral homes do.  There is no hidden agendas, costs or tactics.  What you see is what you get.

SDF has a reputation for prompt caring service. Our simple approach provides families with significant benefits. It allows families more time and space during a challenging time. The focus is on the family, remembering the person, telling stories, and supporting each other.

Often when people contact us, they say they have no idea what to do next. We see how easy it is to take advantage of this situation. Some people think you must have a funeral done a certain way to be proper. However, more and more people are realising they can have a funeral that suits them.

Simple is not substandard.  Simple is not unprofessional.  Simple is good.

Ruby Bay Night
Tasman at Night, Kath Haring