SDF Blogs

What do you need to do when someone dies?

“What do you need to do to have a funeral?” A funeral is a very personal and in some cases private time for families and friends.  And because all families are unique funerals should reflect that.  Society is slowly moving

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How Hard is a DIY Funeral?

The cost of a funeral has made some people wonder how hard could it really be to do it yourself?  Especially if all you want are the absolute basics – no fuss, no stress. There are websites that give you

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Free Funerals

I remembered a story about a wedding where the couple had sponsors for virtually everything at the ceremony and reception and the wedding didn’t cost them a cent.  I decided to googled sponsored weddings to see if it is a

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I was 20 when my dad died

I was 20 when my dad died. It’s been over 30 years since my dad drowned.  A decision to swim after work on the Gold Coast one day changed everything for our family.  Caught in a rip, he just couldn’t

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Cowboy Operators

Am I a cowboy? Ask me that question when I was ten years old and I would have said, “I wish.”  Hat, gun, horse – what’s not to like? However we know that a cowboy in business terms isn’t great. 

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Planning a Funeral

Planning and paying for your funeral ahead of time is often encouraged by funeral homes and insurance companies.  They have their reasons, which they say are for your benefit – not theirs.  The main benefits are not being a burden

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What is a Dignified Farewell?

There is in the media again stories about the cost of a funeral.  Often these stories are poorly hidden adverts for the benefit of Life Insurance companies or Funeral Homes.  It is the message that funerals are expensive and the

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Seven things that make us unique

Seven things that make SDF different from other funeral homes: Our style.  The thing families experience the most is our relaxed style.  It doesn’t mean we are slack; rather, we create an atmosphere where people feel comfortable. It suits our

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After someone has died

“What happens to the body after death? Now, I know that this subject may be a little off-putting for some people, but the intention isn’t to shock or upset anyone. This message won’t go into any details, but it will

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The Coroner

What happens when the coroner is involved? The first thing to say is that when a death is unexpected the shock can initially be overwhelming.  In an instance your whole world is turned upside-down.  So many questions and uncertainty fills

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More than just low-costs

“Do not let the cost of saying goodbye add to your grief.” When I first began SDF, I wrote this line (above) with a focus on the funeral costs.  Giving families a real cost alternative was something new to Nelson. 

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How to Save on Funeral Costs

There are those who do not worry about the costs of a funeral.  They want all the optional extras.  This blog is not for them.  There have been a few stories recently about the increase in council fees for cemetery

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The Political Circus

Well, it’s the season when we see the often-mysterious and shy politicians emerging from the dark places within the Beehive. Most of them squint into the sunlight and follow their leader, nodding their heads at the right time when the

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Spirituality and Death

There is nothing quite like death to make us think about life. There are big questions about what life is truly about.  Then there is the other question of if there is anything after death. In New Zealand, the Christian

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